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Our life is a reflection of our Mindset. If we want a different life we ​​will have to change our Mindset.

Part of: Matching Mindset Training.
Fig. 01. Source: Matching Mindset Training.

Your Mindset determines the way you look at yourself and how you look at the world. All thoughts and sensory perceptions are colored by your Mindset. From this point of view you can say; "Your Mindset is Your Life".

Source: Matching Mindset Training.

Our unconscious daily routines are the key to build our Matching Mindset

To strengthen and grow our Matching Mindset, we are going to use our daily routines, they are going to help us remember the goal we have set for ourselves.

Our routines (also called habits) are very powerful because they are performed unconsciously, we will learn to use this power to grow our still young and vulnerable Matching Mindset. We start developing "Reminders". This is a very powerful way that makes our Matching Mindset stronger. In both the "personal" and the "Group" Matching Mindset Training I will explain how it works.

Linking our newly developed Matching Mindset to our strong ingrained routines works as powerful Re-minders and ensures that we stay focused on growing our Matching Mindset so that it becomes more and more powerful.

Our lives are filled with routines, they are actions and actions that we perform unconsciously sometimes consciously with great regularity. They are habits and our lives are full of them. From brushing your teeth before going to bed, taking a shower in the morning, getting in the car to work or cycling to school in the morning.

All routines that we are often not even aware of. Routines can be compared to programs for a computer, take cycling as an example. You perform thousands of actions almost completely unconsciously, without really thinking about it. We even have a conversation with someone who is cycling next to us and at the same time stop at a traffic light that is on red, etc. These are routines because we have practiced (repetition) and through practice we have become so proficient that all actions are automated and carried out unconsciously. Why do we have routines? The answer is simple. It costs us less energy and therefore our chance of survival increases. We can almost conclude that our brain is in a "survival mode" and that it automates as many things as possible in order to increase the chance of survival. I can imagine if you've read all of the foregoing, you're starting to get a little dizzy. No worries. I take plenty of time to explain to you the operation of: "Matching Mindset" so that you understand what is going on in your subconscious mind.

Read more about the Personal Matching Mindset Training
Sign me up for: Personal Mindset Training Or Group Mindset Training


The Five-Reminders help you find your way to your true self and create a Mindset that supports your personal development. The Five Reminders were drawn up and elaborated by me after a personal and unforgettable breakthrough in Savannah (USA). There is no order in the 1 to 5 Reminders. In my training I discuss the effect and application of these FIVE REMINDERS: but more importantly, I teach you in my training how you can make your Five Re-minders. They form your guidelines in your transformation.

Matching Mindset Training Savannah Breakthrough coming soon

Live consciously
Your Mindset is your Life
Be thankful for goodness
life is about learning
Meditate Once a Day

Your life is a reflection of your mindset.

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Changing your Mindset is like learning how to ride a bicycle, you didn't learn that by reading a book about it. It is all about practise. But once you learned how, you will never forget it.

Our thoughts and beliefs determine our feelings

It takes a lot of energy to break through and then release negative thoughts and resulting emotions that originated in the past. We often subconsciously maintain negative thoughts and limiting beliefs. They have become routines, also called habits. When we don't move forward in our lives and continuously fall back into this often unconscious cycle, change seems impossible. However, from the moment we become aware that our Mindset directs the way we form our thoughts and beliefs, we create an opening to address this source and develop a Mindset that fully matches how we really want to feel.

Release the link to move forward.

The link between our present life and a disappointing, sad or sad past is often unconsciously and consciously present. 95% of our lives are controlled by our unconscious mind, science has taught us. If we want to change consciously and get rid of a negative past, we have to do it with our only 5% consciousness against 95% unconsciousness. This is an unequal battle.

It is often difficult to be happy now for people with a sad and/or unpleasant past. This may be because they refuse or see no way to let go of the things that make them sad. Everything seems to remind them and connect them to past experiences, what they often don't know is that their mindset is an important factor in this.

In my Matching Mindset Training, I teach you to build a new Mindset that enables a life purpose of your choice. The new Mindset: "the Matching Mindset" has no room for sad emotions from the past that have been broken through and disconnected. Is it that simple?

No, unfortunately not, and it certainly won't happen overnight, but because we strengthen our Matching Mindset, the old mindset becomes weaker because it is no longer nourished. (no more attention goes to it) And everything that doesn't get attention no longer has the energy to come to the fore. Again, it's like learning to ride a bike, it takes a lot of practice before you get the hang of the technique but you certainly don't learn it by reading a book about it. You will have to sit on the saddle, grip the handlebars and start pedaling.

Feelings are biochemical reactions in the body

When we continue to apply our limiting beliefs (from negative experiences) in the present, we do not change. It stands in the way of your personal growth. We cannot change if we continue to feed the past with our attention. In fig.01 you can see that we get stuck in the past if we keep using the same Mindset. Our brain continues to be stimulated in exactly the same way and our limiting beliefs are maintained. Our thoughts remain linked to the past. We relive this past in our brain and with that we evoke an image in our brain and this gives a corresponding biochemical reaction. Our brain cannot distinguish between this illusion and the real reality. The stress hormones are released in the body and we start to feel rushed, unsafe, anxious and threatened. As a result of these stress hormones we can no longer think creatively because it is precisely because of these stress hormones that we are in the flight / fight / freeze mode (survival mode) and this mode has no room for time-consuming creative conscious thought processes.

Awareness of your continuous stream of thoughts

Our body can handle a moment of stress very well. It also has a function when it is only for a short period of time. But when we experience a longer period of stress due to a negative thought, event or in our daily life due to work conditions, and/or private situation, our body becomes addicted to these stress hormones. We know no better than to feel rushed and/or anxious. That is of course not good, we are often not even aware of these processes that make us feel rushed. In fact, we even become restless when we are not stressed for a while. Through our conscious thinking, but also through unconscious routines, we maintain mental stress factors that reintroduce stress hormones into the body. As a result, we often react primarily. Without changing our Mindset, this cycle is very difficult to break.

Stress Hormones

The main three stress hormones are cortisol, adrenaline and noradrenaline. These hormones are all released by the adrenal gland (cortisol by the adrenal cortex, adrenaline and noradrenaline by the adrenal medulla). Stress hormones are very useful during an acute stress situation. But if they are produced too often or for a long time, they can lead to an increased risk of depression and eventually destroy your body.

Learn to take rest & meditate

Many people give up when we talk about meditation. It is seen as soft. There are also people who try it once and don't like it. Let me start with "there's nothing soft about it". It has been scientifically proven that meditation has a positive influence on our health. Both physically and mentally. In addition, the number of people who meditate more than 1 to 3 times a week is increasing very rapidly. But see it above all as a moment of peace for yourself. A moment to relax, you will discover the rest yourself. you will see that it really gives results.

Mindset Building and Fitness Centers

I am investigating whether there is interest in bringing some form of Mindset Training closer to fitness centers. There is a wide range of physical group classes, but surprisingly little is done about mental fitness. You may have heard of Mind Gym. This is already going a long way. But it still gives me an entertainment feeling. There is nothing wrong with that, but I want to specifically help visitors to gyms to train not only for a healthy and strong body, but also for a strong and healthy mindset. Mindset Building together with fitness is a perfect combination to keep both mind and body healthy. This is one of my reasons for starting a Mindset Training Center but before that I like to work with professional gyms.

If you are interested as a Gym, please contact with me.

Matching Mindset Mastery: COMING SOON

In my Master Mindset Training; "Savannah Breakthrough" I will pay a lot of attention to the development of physical and mental balance. Meditation training is certainly part of this yet to be written training.

Savannah Breakthrough coming soon