Your Life is a Reflection of your Mindset, if you are not happy with your Life, build a new Mindset.

Richard van den Bosch, Mindset Trainer
Matching Mindset

  • It's time to put yourself first; FREE WORKSHOP
  • Learn how a simple belief about yourself guides a large part of your life;
  • Discover the life-changing power behind:
    Matching Mindset;
  • Learn how to build your Matching Mindset to fulfill your highest potential;
  • Free yourself from comparing yourself to someone else, and start being you.

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Matching Mindset Training

Personal Mindset Training

Personal Training, 7 lessons in 6 weeks in person or online in which I learn you how to develop a Matching Mindset to achieve your specific life goal. I call my method Mind Building. As long as we unconsciously and even consciously hold beliefs that stand in the way of our growth, we will not progress in life and we even seem to get stuck further and further. Mindset is the way we deal with our thoughts that determine our feelings. Our feelings drive us to action and our actions should lead to the desired result. When the desired result is not forthcoming or is even undesired, we have to change our Mindset. I train you in building a matching mindset, that will change your life. You're going to love this Personal Matching Mindset Training.

Group Mindset Training

Group training, 3 days on location or online. With a maximum of 10 students per training day. In this group training I train the students step by step how they can recognize, name, break through a non-productive Mindset and develop a Matching Mindset that supports the personal life goals. For many people this training is an; "eye opener" and at the same time a logical process that works for everyone. Practice is, as with so many things, a must. You can compare it with learning to ride a bicycle; nobody learns to ride a bike by reading a book about it, you have to sit on the saddle, grab the handlebars and start pedaling and you will see; "you are moving forward". And once you understand how it works, you will enjoy it for the rest of your life.

Our Mindset at work...

Our mindset is a set of beliefs that determines how we see ourselves and the world. It influences how we think, these thoughts then determine our feelings which in turn determine our actions. This leads to life outcomes. These life results in turn form our beliefs. This cycle goes on and on.

Is your current Mindset not delivering the desired results?
Then break this cycle with the Mindset Training:

Matching Mindset

Your Mindset Is Your Life

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Changing your MINDSET

Changing your mindset

I quote from the book; - Mindset - from Dr. Carol S. Dweck: "You have a choice. Mindsets are just beliefs. They're powerful beliefs, but they're just something in your mind, and you can change your mindset."Dr. Carol S. Dweck is one of the world's leading researchers in the fields of personality, social psychology, and developmental psychology.

Matching Mindset is an instrument to achieve your desired goals. By continuing to practice, you will learn how to take immediate action and overcome all fears. We become aware of the great power of our new matching mindset, we break through the routines of the old mindset. Our new Matching Mindset, as it were, pushes our old mindset into the background and then takes the lead. That is the power of your new Matching Mindset.

Do you have any questions? Please feel free to contact me.

Q & A

Do I belong to the target group?

Only you can answer this question, but if you have the feeling that you are continuously lived by your environment with all its diversity of influences and that you frequently come across a recognizable undesirable situation, then in my opinion it is advisable to take a closer look at your current Mindset. Ask yourself the following questions: What really drives me? And do I live a life according to the expectations of another? In my Matching Mindset Training, I teach you how to build a Mindset that fits your personal life goals. Stop living by someone else's standards.

Why is it that many people seem to have their mindset fixed?

That's because people are looking for experiences that match their current mindset. They (un)consciously choose experiences that confirm their beliefs and associate with people who match what they think. As a result, they get caught in their own mindset bubble. If their mindset does not match their environment, a cognitive dissonance arises. People feel protected when they fit into a large group/community, "especially not be or become different, because then they fall outside this so important", comfort zone / community. This process hinders our self-fulfillment and discovering who we really are and are capable of. Learning is the reason we are all here, if you ask me.

Why is an intake interview necessary?

As a Mindset Trainer I like to get the very best out of people and help them achieve their goals. But often there are blockades on the road that need to be overcome. Confrontation is then inevitable. In the intake interview I want to discuss the willingness to change. I also value great importance to the specific reason for signing up for a Mindset training program. It is also possible that the mental condition is not yet strong enough for the objective of the training.

I want to change but I don't know how?

Many people still live in the belief that once we have passed puberty, it is almost impossible to change. They accept that, and say; "well, that's just who I am, just accept me as I am". That's fine when you're completely happy with yourself and with your life. But man wants to move forward, develop, grow, learn and discover what it is capable of. In addition, we create new connections in our brains throughout our lives when we do something new and repeat it a few times. So we can certainly change at any time.

Dr. Carol Dweck conducted a large-scale study of Mindset and discovered that people can have a Fixed Mindset or a Growth Mindset. But that it is more of a basic setting that you have developed yourself (consciously or unconsciously) under the influence of your environment. She states that these are very powerful beliefs, but fortunately they can be broken. How? By training! And I would like to teach you that in my Matching Mindset Trainings.

What is expected of me when I register?

You are expected to be trainable, curious, willing to create something new and have an open mind. No more is needed. You will discover that your limiting beliefs and your resistances are gradually lifted as soon as you are open to a new better version of yourself.

I have no motivation, what can I do?

I hear this very often and find it special and very sincere when a student says; "I have no motivation, I am not taking action!" This is perhaps the biggest misconception I repeatedly encounter. I then always ask; "what does motivate you?" Sometimes they even say, euh, nothing really. I then say; "I know what motivates you", they respond surprised. I say: "a positive result, that motivates you". Yes, yes, that's right, then I ask the question; "How do you get a positive result then?". By a positive action, they say. Well exactly. Do you get it now?. Motivation follows a positive result and a positive result follows a positive action, and positive action comes from a positive thought, and a positive thought comes from a Mindset that colors your thoughts positively. Easy? No, absolutely not, but it works that way. Because a lot of people don't resonate with; "be positive", sometimes it even makes them angry. So that leaves us with a single new thought and just that will lead you to a new experience. And that is exactly what you need, just new experiences to create new believes, that's your change and road to motivation.

for Start-ups

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