About me

Richard van den Bosch

Mindset Trainer & Inspirational Speaker

In 1998 I started as an entrepreneur with the plan to build a large and strong Coaching and Training company. I soon found out that it was difficult to position yourself as a starting entrepreneur among the large agencies. After some ups and downs, things started to move and we grew into a strong Human Resource Consultancy company with 3 HR services: Inflow, Development and Outflow of personnel. Not really the direction I had in mind in the beginning, but the company was running great. Unfortunately, the success came to an end in 2008, the well-known financial crisis caused a sharp drop in assignments, it was a disaster year and in the same year my father also passed away. But after 6 years of slimming and surviving I was admittedly on my own again, but without any financial debt. I was completely back to square one and could take on the adventure again, I was looking forward to it.

What a gift when I look back afterwards

My drive and energy was still as high as in 1998, when I started my company, but it was different. A special and heavy internal discussion flared up in me, I asked myself questions such as: being an entrepreneur, are you doing it for yourself or do you want to show the world how "good" you are?" "Who are you really? What do you really want? It sounded so basic in my head. I started to doubt everything, I wanted a complete reset of my life.

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The Mindset that dominated my life just didn't suit me anymore, I was sure of that. I had become lost in a mental construct that I had created both consciously and unconsciously. I wanted everything to be different, I devoured a lot of self-help books and followed a lot of online personal development training. I listened to even more motivational speakers. In my still working life as Interim Technology Recruiter at various large international corporates, my working method also shifted due to this unrest. I noticed that I started to look more and more at the candidate's mindset and whether it matched the position and the company. And that was (at that time still unconsciously) the birth of mine; "Matching Mindset Idea". Still it didn't do me any good, it seemed like I was floating on a sea of ​​self-help without any land insight. The only good thing was, I had no doubts about one thing: I can inspire people.


I had no idea how to use this strength yet. Until I realized and afterwards, however simple: "Everything I read and/or learned was nothing more than a mountain of beliefs from someone else with the exception of my own Matching Mindset idea. I would never find answers to my questions outside of myself. I decided to go quiet and look for the answers to my questions deep within me. If you are reading this it may worry you, but we all know that meditation is now a widely accepted and scientifically proven way to find peace and become aware of your real self.

I decided to be completely silent for 1 to 4 hours a day, hoping to find answers to my basic life questions. As a child I had learned to meditate for relaxation and I knew that even then I found it very difficult not to pay attention to the constantly emerging thoughts. But how wrong I was in this apparently simple exercise. I was constantly tempted to pay attention to even the smallest thoughts that seemed to be fired at me.

A storm of thoughts

I was barely able to cope with this incessant storm of thoughts that demand my attention as soon as I closed my eyes. But after a few weeks of practice, the storm slowly abated and my stillness practices were rewarded with deep relaxation, stillness, tranquility and insights. I made better contact with my real self and experienced an immeasurable balance that went beyond myself, I was engulfed by a wave of deep warmth, tranquility and pure unconditional love for life, for myself and everything around me. (I can really recommend it to you).

It was in Savannah (US) 2019 where during a stillness exercise my mental constructs seemed to dissolve, like fog at sunrise, I seemed to be able to see my true self above this fog, at least that's what I can remember, I then seemed to become part of something else. I totally understand if you think now; "this is a bit unbelievable", but from that one unique moment in America I was who I wanted to be, I had all the answers to my life questions, everything was clear and pure.

After more than 23 years as a interim recruiter and HR manager I interviewed an incredible number of people all with different mindsets, I can say; the ones with a Matching Mindsets were recognizable and more successful


I want to help people break through a Mindset that maintains their non-productive mental constructions, sometimes full of sad and destructive repetitive thoughts. I want to help these people by inspiring them to develop a Matching Mindset with which they can accomplish what makes them really happy.

Your Mindset is your life

What I often see is that people really want to achieve their goal, but do not have the right Mindset for it and for that reason fail. Your mindset is a package of strong believes that shapes and colors your thoughts, it is your Mindset that has created and maintains your current situation, it directs and shapes your life.

If you really want to achieve a goal, you must first ask yourself the crucial question: - Do I have the right Mindset for this? If you come to the sincere conclusion that this is not yet the case, then the training: Matching Mindset is your very best first step, I am happy to help you.
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powerful quotes

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A Einstein

We can't solve a problem with the mindset who caused it.

Albert Einstein

A person who is always thinking cannot think about anything but his own thoughts. In this way, someone loses contact with reality and lives in a world of illusions.

Alan Watts

You are too wise to keep thinking that someone else is responsible for this life of yours.

Sarah Blondin

No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.

Eleanor Roosevelt

Feeling a sense of love and awe for life without needing anything from outside of us is freedom.

Joe Dispenza

The most vital thing in spiritual life is to be able to watch your mind, to be the observer of your mind, so that the mind is not controlling you.

Eckhart Tolle

Your life is a reflexing of your mindset. Whatever you want to accomplish in your life, it all starts with a matching Mindset.

Richard van den Bosch

The differences in mindset find their explanation in the upbringing and the way in which your environment deals with your successes and failures.

Prof. Carol Dweck,
positive psychology.